Saturday, August 14, 2010


when your life is not just about yourself.
when you have too many people to take into your concern.
when people demand for your care and attention.
when people expect too much from you.
when they don't realize that you just a human. merely a human being with no superpower. at all.

what would you do? how would you react in such situation?
will you become the i-dont-care-with-you person or you act on love?

I choose to act on love..
even when I lose all my strength to maintain those relationship,
even when I have too many tasks to do,
even when I could not well-rested and have a good time for eating,
but love is LOVE.

LOVE is act like how HE acts into my life.
LOVE is Christ and I wanna be remembered as Christ-alike.
LOVE is I care for you and I will always really do.
LOVE is learning to take HIS yolk upon me and learn from what HE has done for me and this world.

(29) Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest ( relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.

help me be the source of YOUR love in this world, o God :)


  1. nerr, this is such a beautiful piece of writing...

    gua share dikit yah,(again?)

    tahun 2010, adlh tahun yang devastating buat gua, tapi Tuhan itu nggak pernah stop buat loving me, dan telling me things. Gua dapat teguran kira2 begini "Never ever give up on Love. Believe it. Conceive it. (iyah kayak orang mengandung, conceive it!) even if others has choose to turn away from love, u must hold onto it. or else, u will disappear.. Love is the only channel for Me and humanity to connect with each other. Never give up in love.

    oh ya, kebetulan malam ini, aku baca Micah 6:8
    "He has showed you, o man, what is good. and what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."

    keep it up ! i highly enjoy this post !


  2. HUAAAAA thank you sistaaa!!
    yep2. the only way for others to see Jesus is through the real love. the love that comes from Himself will transform people's lives :)

    I pray that His love will never grow cold in your heart :)
